Sunday, September 27, 2009

First babble and other fun stuff

Heather and I were supposed to be studying today (we actually DID study a great deal, we were taking a break) and I was folding laundry. I decided to throw them on her and see what she did and the following is what she did. She did CUTE! This is what we do when we're here0 bored, haha. Everyone needs a study break to throw laundry on a baby! She didn't mind, obviously!

Maybe she even liked it a little!

We also went to the beach yesterday for a day trip to see Laura and Lawrence while they were in NC visiting her family. We had a lot of fun. Laura held her most of the time and she was soooooo good! She was a little champ. She literally slept only an hour from 6:30am until 7:00 pm. There was just too much fun stuff going on around for her to sleep. We just hung out with them and had a great time. Laura got some much better pictures of her, including one where you can see her teeth! So hopefully soon I'll be able to post that.
Playing with a new rattle

Lawrence finally held her right before we left when she was in a terrible mood but she did enjoy looking at his cards as they played spades. She also loved Laura's brother, Matthew. I think she misses Mike because when Matthew and Lawrence were holding her it seemed like she just ate it up.
Laura informed me that Bailey always has her arms out like she's flying and this picture seems to prove her point. I hadn't noticed it but I suppose she is right about it, lol.

Bailey made her first official "babble" today! She was watching Heather eat a pumpkin cream cheese muffin and licking her lips about it and she just made this sound we've never heard before. It was very exciting because it was a real sound with letter sounds and everything! She's getting so big!

Mike is doing a little better and we've talked to him on the phone recently, which was very nice. It was great to hear his voice. They had the memorial services for both of the fallen soldiers this weekend and he took that rough but I think he's coping and healing. We're still very much praying for him and would appreciate any and all prayers!


  1. Def praying for Mike! Bailey does always have her arms out- maybe she is balancing! Since she did so good for the beach I think it's about time for a flight! LOL. Just don't suffocate her with that laundry. . . I used to stuff my bro in the hamper with all of the stuffed animals. He loved it!

  2. Oh Melissa, my dear friend, your baby looks so Chinese when she's covered with laundry.
