This is a video of Bailey laughing. I would cackle and then she would giggle, that's why I sound like a laughing fool.
This past weekend we went to my mom and dad's house for Melissa's baby shower. It was a lot of fun! While we were there, Bailey tried sweet potatoes for the first time. I'm doing homemade babyfood and while it was a little time-consuming, I was so proud of myself. I felt good that I could be doing something so special for her and it was totally worth it. She loved it! And she's having more tonight!
We also have a funny story to share. Last night Heather and I went to dinner and a movie while Mike stayed home to watch Bailey. I gave him very specific instructions about what to feed her, how much, etc. Well... I got home and ask him how everything went and he said great. I asked about her food and how much she had eaten and he shrugs. I told him to give her a regular 6 oz bottle and then about 2 tablespoons of cereal mixed with a very little bit of breastmilk. He proceeds to tell me he gave her a 6 oz bottle, then about twice the amount of cereal she normally gets and then drinks about another two onces of milk to "wash it down." I laughed so hard. I thought she would never wake up to eat again. Around 10:30, I woke her up to feed her before I went to bed like I normally do. She ate for about 20 minutes and then right back to sleep. Then she didn't wake up until 6:30! EIGHT HOURS! WOOHOO! That was the first time ever she slept that long! So Mike may have over-fed her but it certainly worked out for us in the long run.