Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and the 9 month check up

Well the shirt says it all. She is the best gift ever. She's waving now a lot and it's something that I taught her! She's also babbling all the time. "La la la la la" and "mama" and "nana" and lots of different combinations of ah sounds. It's great. She also weights 18 pounds and "looks great" according to the pediatrician at the 9 month well baby visit. She's 26 inches and in the 25th-50th% in both height and weight.
We had a great Christmas with our family. It was wonderful. But it was also exciting to be done with it because now the biggest holiday of the deployment is OVER! So exciting. And now only 5 more paychecks until Mike is home for Bailey's birthday. That's how he's counting down, apparently. Whatever works for ya babe! Bailey really loved all of her presents and thanks to all that gave us gifts. She's got enough for the rest of the year now! And all the cute clothes... ahh, I was in heaven!
This is her my first Christmas shirt that Grandma Tina sent her. She actually wore it Christmas morning as she opened presents but I don't have a single shot of that because I had dad record it all so I have no still pics of it. But she was very cute in it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas presents and more teeth. She's too big!

Here she is, I told you she was pulling up. She's up. She's so close to being up without any help.
Bailey opening the present from Uncle Justin. We had so much fun opening all the presents Grandma and Uncle Justin sent.

This is another Christmas present that she got. It's her very own Winnie the Pooh rocker from Aunt Sheila and Uncle Lewis. It's just her size and I think she's going to love it once she starts using it for something other than a tool to help her pull up.

Today I just found out from Debbie (yeah, I hadn't even noticed myself!) that she has two more teeth! She now has four top teeth, the two middle ones and one on each side of both of them, as well as the two bottom teeth. I can't believe it. She's such an easy teether. I had no idea she was even teething!

She is also definitely into food these days. I just this week dropped her down to 3 nursing sessions a day and she has three meals and now is starting to get snacks. But now she wants food whenever she sees it! She's getting so good at feeding herself finger foods too. We went to Mongolian Grill Monday night with Heather and David and she got her usual plate of tofu, zucchini and broccoli. But this time she was feeding herself and eating the food as fast as I could cut it up. I'm so proud of my big girl! I weighed her this morning and it looks like she's 19 pounds. All that extra food is packing into her cheeks!

In other big news, she had been waking up every night for about a month and I'd just been letting her sleep in my bed after about 4am. Well then last week it turned into waking up twice a night. That's when I decided it was time to stop this mess. So Sunday night she woke up at 11:45 and whined (not even crying! until 1:30am. That wasn't fun, I will admit. But Monday night it paid off. She woke up at 4 am and only whined for 20 minutes before falling back asleep. Then last night she slept the whole night from 7:15 until 6:30am! Woohoo! That's the little girl I want!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas dress preview and my new hair

This is just the little preview of her Christmas outfit. I LOVE the tights that look like shoes. In fact, I'm IN LOVE with them. She's just too precious. Although this isn't the cutest picture of her because she looks a little drunk, lol. But she is sitting in the little swing that my granddad made for me when I was about her age.
This week Bailey started three new things. She's starting to learn to wave, which I am teaching her, hehe. She pulled up this morning on the stairs at my parent's house. Not too happy about this one... I'm aware that walking is next and I'm not excited about it, lol. And she cut her fourth tooth. Not sure if I wrote about her cutting the third tooth but now she has two top and two bottom teeth, both up in the very front. She's growing up too fast for my taste :(
In other news, this is my new hair cut! It doesn't look too good there because I didn't get to blow dry it this morning so I just straightened it a little bit with my brand new CHI! Woohoo! I love it. I got rid of 10 inches and am donating it to locks of love. The hairdresser gave me layers and straightened it and it looked great. I'm so excited that it's not long anymore. I can still get it into a tiny pony tail but it's so much easier now.
I also got to talk to Mike this morning. I hadn't talked to him for a week because they're moving and he was busy but it made my whole week to talk to him. I love that boy of mine and miss him so much!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

clapping, popping, sick and a messy eater

I made her some soup and she loved it but it was super messy! It was vegetable broth with lentils, pastina (tiny pasta stars), zucchini, spinach, garlic, and parsley. She's so messy though!
She woke up with crazy hair and I had to share it, too cute. She sleeps some kinda funny way.
Nana went and got us starbucks and when hers was gone she gave it to Bailey. Bailey acted like that cup was gold. Instead of coffee, she had orange juice this morning for the first time to try to boost her immune system so she doesn't get this yucky sickness that I've had.
Last weekend we (yes, Bailey helped because I wore her in the sling while I decorated) decorated the little tiny tree. I wrapped all the presents and put them under the tree. It was great.
New things with Bailey. She claps ALWAYS. You say "good girl"; she claps. You clap; she claps. People on tv clap; she claps. She gets a piece of food in her mouth by herself; she claps. It's too cute.
I also had to start popping her hand this weekend. She isn't phased by it though! She gets more upset by a stern "No" than anything. She is starting to listen more and more though but she is definitely still learning.
I've been sick this week. Monday night I started to come down with something and by Tuesday I had a fever. So I was out of work for three days and mom came yesterday morning to help with Bailey. I couldn't have done it without her. It was terrible! Not the flu because I didn't have aches or anything but it was definitely not fun. Bailey hasn't gotten it and I pray that she doesn't!
We're going to my parent's house this weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday and to shop! Fun, Fun!! I'm glad I'm feeling better, thanks to all for the prayers!