Sunday, August 8, 2010

No Daddy yet

Supporting her Uncle Justin!

Look at this kid.

Bailey fed herself her cereal for the first time for lunch last week.

Aunt Heather was here to photograph the whole thing.

She's such a good eater!

She randomly asked to be in the exersaucer last week for the first time in months. Then she demanded to stay in it for at least 15 minutes.

Silly kid was having a blast.

She loves to be in the rocker or any chair by herself so that she can be a big kid.

Oh fancy girl! Ready for the sunshine.

We are sooooooo waiting for Daddy to get home!

Well, unfortunately Mike is not home yet. That would explain why there's no homecoming pics up yet. Hopefully soon, though. We haven't heard from him in a few days so hopefully he's traveling and closer to home than before. We do know that he is out of harms way so that's a wonderful blessing in and of itself.

Bailey is super happy about Daddy coming home because she keeps saying "daddy" and kissing every picture she sees of him. We're praying that she will go right to him and call him daddy when she sees him. I really believe it's a possibility!

Not too much has gone on with us this week. We're enjoying more time together and my first full week as an official part timer was great. We had coffee and play time with Aunt Heather and I got a lot done. It's nice never having to set an alarm clock.

We went to Poppy and Nana's this weekend to play in the pool and hang out with the family. Grandma Sharpe was there too so she got to spend some time with Bailey also. We had a great weekend and are hoping that next weekend will be spent with MIKE!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm the worst

Right after dinner and bath, belly poppin'.

Pretty girl in her hippy dress

She was loving this little boy at Aunt Pam's wedding

All dressed up.

Pretty girls!

Ok, so I'm terrible at updating this blog. Especially as things start getting busier and the closer that Mike is to coming home. But alas, here I am. It is finally August! I have finished up working with one of my kids and now will only be working about 20 hours a week. This week will be my first week with all mornings off and I'm so excited about the time I'll get to spend with Bailey. August is also the month that Mike comes home. We've had a roller coaster this month as far as homecoming dates go. First he wasn't coming home until early September, then early August, then late August, now it's early August again. And he should actually be away from his FOB by now (spoke to him yesterday and he was leaving in a few hours) at a place getting ready to get on a big plane! We couldn't be more excited! I think maybe the only person that is more excited than me is MIKE! He sounded ecstatic to talk to us and tell us the news. Shouldn't be much longer now!

As far as Bailey goes, she's doing so much lately. Mike is going to have a treat to come home to. She's walking easily and even running. She just got in her 15th tooth and seems to be teething again, although I don't know where another tooth will go in her tiny little mouth. She can say anything she wants and I have lost count of the words she knows by now because she says new ones every day. She says "ohhh" a lot and "wow" and "oh yeah!" Her favorite words, I think, continue to be Beau and Mama. I'm pretty sure those are her favorite people too, and probably in that order. She continues to throw tantrums periodically but she's listening so well most of the time. She usually only needs a warning and then she gets it together before I have to punish her. She's definitely got a strong personality but then again, she is her parent's child.

Last weekend I went to buy her lots of toys from craigslist. She now has an outside climber with slide, a water table, and a basketball goal. She hasn't been able to play with them yet because it's too hot outside. I'm so excited to see her and Mike play together outside with these fun toys! I also bought her a play kitchen off of craigslist that was dirt cheap and looks brand new! That will be our big gift for her for Christmas, though. I hope I can wait that long. She's going to love it. That's all for now, I suppose. Hopefully the next time I update, there will be pictures of Mike's homecoming!