Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowy day

Well, not really a snowy day. More like an icy day but it's made us house bound all the same. About two inches of mostly ice is on our deck and I just had to get out there and snap a couple pics of this little girl on her first snow day. I think this might be my most favorite picture of her EVER!

I forgot to write yesterday another thing she's doing lately. She's sharing her food and toys and pacifiers with me now. There's a video on facebook of her sharing some carrots with me. There's also a video of her "talking" to me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pilot is here and Bailey has a new best friend

Mr. Pilot all curled up and cuddly on his mama.

Every time she would pull up on his car seat (notice that nice Carolina blanket he's borrowing there, maybe he'll be a Tar Heel too) she would do the indian war whoop. She didn't mind us playing with him and giving him more attention because she was busy playing with her toys but she made sure to do all her newest tricks for us to make sure we knew she was cool too. She just learned to be a little war whooper yesterday. It's too cute.

Today was the first time Bailey got to spend an extended amount of time around Pilot. He really interested her. She was so happy to look at it and tried soooo hard to be gentle but she was getting so excited that she would end up hitting him. He's a resilient little monkey.

This is the first time I got to hold Pilot. His birthday was kind of a hectic time since he tried to strangle himself with his cord and like his new best friend (Bailey, of course) he also inhaled some meconium on his way out. It was stressful in there for those kiddos of ours!

Just look at that sweet girl with her hair in a bow that her MAMA did for her! I just might get this doing hair thing after all. Stay tuned, we'll see...

This week we went to the doctor for her follow up from three weeks ago. She still had her double ear infection and her cough had gone into her lungs a little bit and caused Bronchiolitis. So she had to have her very first ever shot. It was an antibiotic shot to try to jump start the healing. She took it pretty well although it made me want to cry too. She also had to get a breathing treatment. Now she's on 3 breathing treatments a day and some more antibiotics. I felt so bad that I didn't know she was still sick but she showed no signs of it! She wasn't fussy or having sleeping trouble or anything.

Tonight we're supposed to be having a winter storm. I'm nervous because I am afraid the power will go out because we're supposed to get a lot of ice. But I'm hoping we'll be fine. Nothing much else is going on. Bailey's learning to sort shapes a little more now and she's cruising the furniture. She'll definitely be walking by the time Daddy is home to see her. If not, very close. Maybe he could see her first step!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A weekend without Bailey

This crazy-haired, Asian-looking baby is mine! This isn't a particularly cute picture but it DOES show her two top teeth. There's another one up there too that you can't see and another one that is still threatening to pop through and making my poor baby drool every second of every day.

Look at that little baby in her cutie little jeans! She was really getting into looking at herself in the window last night. She also got a a little taste of it a couple of times.

She really likes her doll. This picture was me trying to get a shot of her loving on it. Right before she did this, she was trying to "share" her pacifier with the baby. She does that with me too. She'll put her toys or pacifier in my mouth and just smile like she's really done something wonderful.

I was trying to get her to wear the hat by wearing the hat myself. To no avail.

She was not pleased that I kept trying to force that hat on her, lol.

Not too much to report this week. She is becoming more and more picky with what she eats. She doesn't much like broccoli anymore, even with cheese on it! She will eat it if I put it in her grains though so it's not that bad. She's eating table food always now. She's still nursing three times a day but I'm planning on cutting out the lunch time session in about a month or so. I'm already sad about weaning but I know she can't go off to college still nursing.
Today I met mom half way between my house and hers and she took Bailey for a whole day and night so that I could be at the house and hang out for the weekend alone. It's very strange so far but I've had a good day. I do miss her though so I'll be glad to see her tomorrow afternoon. I got to go to the movies and out to lunch with Heather and tomorrow I'll get to go to church without holding a squirming little baby in my arms.
We talked to Mike on Friday and he got to see me and Bailey on the webcam. He's doing as well as can be expected but he's definitely ready for a break. Less than two months now!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Almost 10 months old!

You know my child is happy when her mouth is open and her arms and legs are flailing. Weirdo! Still can't see the top teeth in pictures yet but there are three up there.
She is having a lot of fun this week pulling up on my full-length mirror and has pulled it down onto herself several times. I'll probably have to do something about that very soon. But for now she enjoys looking at herself in it.
And looking at me looking at her =)
Wow, this is kind of a mean looking girl here. Cute though.
This picture is especially for Daddy. I believe Grandma gave us this shirt. She wasn't in the best mood when we took this picture but look at those little baby curls!

Well this week has been full of changes in my little girl. She's almost 10 months old! I just can't even believe it. This she started pointing with her finger out. She did it first at the Hopson's house and I wasn't sure she meant to do it but then that night she did it with the Cheerios box and I knew that's what she meant. So smart! Then last night Heather and I discovered that she imitated us putting the phone up to our ear. She has a little play phone and she put it to her ear and said, "ahhoooo," which I swear sounded (to me) like "hello." She is also really getting the concept of some of her toys that are more difficult. Like the ring stacker. We've been working on that one for a while and she finally knows that the rings are supposed to go on the cylinder and she tries but her depth perception leaves something to be desired, lol.

This week since she was sick she nearly gave me a heart attack with her eating. I've been changing up her food routine a little bit and giving her less purees and more finger foods. Monday night she refused to eat anything except fruit. Of course I didn't give in to this, being the ABA therapist of a Mommy that I am. She had to eat some of her grains before I would let her have the kiwi but ahhh it scared me. She was even flinching when she touched the foods she didn't want and throwing them down. Luckily on Tuesday she was feeling better and we were back to normal. She is now eating her grains by themselves (whereas they used to have pureed vegetables in them) and then she eats her cut up veggies and fruits by herself. She's expressed some interest in holding the spoon herself to eat her grains and she's decent but I'm not pushing it. She felt so much better by Wednesday that she even tried and loved raw tomatoes! Another new thing she ate this week were sweet potato sticks. Yummy! I am a little sad though because she no longer really likes broccoli. I'm going to try to spice it up and see if she'll like it with some flavor.

As far as her speech goes, this week was another big one. She is definitely saying "mama" with me in mind now. And she says "more" when she wants more food. No one that knows my child should be surprised that food was her motivation for speaking.

We talked to Mike this week and he's doing well. Now only 4 more paychecks til he's home for a glorious 15 days!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dr. Appointment

We went to the doctor yesterday and they told us she had fluid in both her ears resulting in an early ear infection. So she prescribed over the counter zyrtec for before bed time and some amoxicillin. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the prescription because Walmart Pharmacy is stupid but I was able to get the zyrtec and she slept most of the night! Woohoo! She woke up a few times but I only had to put her pacifier back in and turn on her music. And she slept til 6. She's trying desperately to get my attention now so I must go!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Poor baby

My poor little girl is sick! She's had a cold but last night she was up for most of the night screaming and writhing in pain. I'm thinking she has an ear infection and we're just hanging out at home today and then going to the doctor this afternoon. It's her first sick doctor's appointment. I guess that's not a bad thing since she's almost 10 months old. Right now she's sleeping so that's a huge plus because she only probably got about 7 hours of sleep last night.
On a better note, she's been growing and changing so much. Still babbling all the time. This weekend she was pulling up on everything and only using one hand for balance. She's going to walk so soon! She also went up two stairs at my mom's house. Feeding herself continues to go well and I'm no longer making purees. Finger food is a whole other beast. But it's worth it for her to get good home made food. She's also saying "mama" all the time now too and I'm pretty sure she's associating it with me now. Sorry no pics this time, I've been a little lazy. I'll update after our doctor's appointment! Pray for our little girl!