Sunday, September 19, 2010


Us at the game

Enjoying one of Poppy's delicious end of summer tomatoes

Tailgating at the game
My great team! Except we lost, lol.

She was chowing down on some tailgating food. Ok, not really. She was eating barley and lentils with cauliflower hidden in there but she did also enjoy some chips and carrots.

Mike gave her her own xbox controller so she can play too. So cute!

Yeah, she definitely tried to wear my bra. She really enjoyed herself and would have worn it all day had it been socially appropriate.

She still loves that mama!

These are the awesome boots we bought the kid at a consignment sale. She won't be able to wear them long because her calves are little... well... we'll say chunky. Hehe!

Summer is almost over! We've had a great one though. The last few weekends have been busy, busy. Time seems to be flying. We're having a lot of fun just being a whole family again. This weekend we went to Chapel Hill for a football game and had a lot of fun. Bailey was awesome. She fell asleep the first 15 minutes of the game and then was awake for the rest of it and didn't start whining until the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter. I was whining by that point too, though, because it was HOT! She fell asleep on the long walk back to the car in the sling and then slept in the car some too.

We took her to the ENT recently. He basically told us to wait and see because our pediatrician hadn't sent the records yet. We'll be going back in about 6 weeks for another visit. I'm hoping she doesn't have any more ear infections for a long time.

Bailey has been going through a whiny and testing phase lately. And she enjoys throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way. That doesn't fly here but she keeps trying anyway. It's nothing we can't handle but definitely something we could do without. She is a very good girl most of the time, though.

Next weekend she'll be going to stay with Nana and Poppy so that we can get new carpet and vinyl put in the house. I'm excited for it but I'm already ready for it to be over. Fixing up the house is stressful! Even when we aren't doing the labor ourselves, lol.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daddy is HOME!

Pretty girl wearing her monkey "leash."

Waiting on the plane!

She was so exhausted and hot and sweaty. But it wasn't that bad because this homecoming took place at 6:30 pm instead of midnight like last time.

Aunt Heather and Beau came with us to welcome Mike home.

What a patriot! You can't see her shirt but it says Welcome Home Daddy. She knew she was supposed to be excited but I'm not sure she knew what about.

The most nerve wracking time for me at green ramp (where the plane lands) is when they release the soldiers and there's a million people running around looking for their solider. We just stay put and hold up our sign that says HERRMANN while we wait for him to find us.

There they are marching to see us!

The plane has landed!

The plane was on the horizon here. But ya can't see it, lol,

Trying to keep the kids entertained while we waited. It was only about an hour but it was the most overstimulating hour of my LIFE!

Bailey made her own sign for Daddy. So sweet.

Seeing Daddy for the first time in a long time. It wasn't the best reunion because she was so tired and hot but they jumped right back into it the following morning as a perfect pair.

Finally here!

She finally let him hold her but he just cried on his shoulder. It was very sweet.

She kinda looks like "Mom, who is this guy?!" It was too much all at once, for all of us!

By the title of the post, you can see that we have finally gotten our soldier back. He's been home about a month now and I've been very lazy at posting these pics. We have so enjoyed having him back. He's had mostly light days and he and Bailey have been able to catch up a lot while I'm at work. They are so good together. The very next day he was home she was calling him Daddy and they just played all day.

Bailey is always doing new things these days. She went to the dentist for the first time this past month and got a clean bill of teeth health. She says any word that she wants to and her favorite past time right now is walking her doll around in her shopping cart and waving "bye bye" to everyone she sees.

We are looking forward to going to the mountains with her and Ohio in October. We'll also be starting potty training (for real, this time) the day after we get back from Ohio. I have 4 days in a row off and we'll be spending those days in the bathroom on the froggy potty. Shortly after that we'll be taking away the pacifier. Our little girl is no longer a baby.