Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Bailey things

Look, it's Bailey as a boy! haha, she just looks kind of boyish here because we're used to seeing her in pink but we bought her this onesie a while ago when we visited OH in June. I guess this is what our son will look like.

Take a look at my child's stomach. She's got bananas resting on it. Yes, that's how big her tummy is. So big things can rest on it.

hehe, I love this picture. She's studying and researching for our next big project!

Pilot and Bailey in their matching outfits. Bailey hadn't even realized that Pilot was over there or else she would have been all over him. But Pilot seems to be really looking her way... with what? Googly eyes? Is he in love?!? Stay tuned! He's so little compared to my big girl. Sigh, I miss her being that little but I like that she's much more self sufficient now too. This child can entertain herself for a LONG time and Mama is VERY thankful for that!

What's been going on lately? Not too much. I'm realizing that I can't possibly remember all the new things she's doing after a whole week so I'm failing miserable at this blogging thing. She's very smart, that's what I can say. She knows the things around our house she isn't supposed to touch so she has started looking for me to see if I'm watching and if I am then she won't touch it but if I'm not, she's all over it. She also slyly puts her food she doesn't want under her highchair tray rather than so obviously throwing it over the side. Great, right? No, she's driving me nuts! But I love her all the same.

She's been waking up the last couple of weeks around 5:00 am but I think she's getting back into sleeping until at least 6:00 now. Thank goodness but I've definitely been averaging a trip to Starbucks about three times a week. I can't afford that so she needs to start sleeping more again. Last Friday we got an all clear for her at the doctor that her ear infections were finally gone and her chest sounded good. Unfortunately, she's starting to cough again and she woke up this morning with a runny nose. Ugh, I just want her to be better before Mike gets home in a few weeks!


  1. First YAY Mike comes home! When I was a baby I put the food down my diaper, so at least she doesn't do that! She's such a cutie, even in gross red. LOL.

  2. mike's coming home soonnnnn!! :) she looks adorable. i especially love the pic with her and pilot's matching outfits! they're both soooo cute!
