Saturday, May 1, 2010

Potty Time!

How cute is this kid with her hair curling up?!

That's my sweet girl!

We've had a rough week with sleep. Last night and Wednesday night Bailey didn't get to sleep until about 9:00, which is an hour and a half past her bed time. She just was whiny and needed to be rocked and held. Usually she goes right down and soothes herself to sleep but not those nights. As a result, we're trying something new today. I kept her up rather than putting her down for her usual 9:30 am nap. She ate lunch at 11:30 and then down for her (hopefully much longer) nap at noon. She's been asleep for an hour and I hope to get at least one more hour! So I guess this means she's ready for only one nap. I'm really hoping this works to help at night too and maybe even get her to sleep a little later than 6:00 am!

Last night while I was cooking our dinner she decided she needed to enjoy her water inside her old bouncer that's still out because Pilot uses it when he's over. Silly girl.

One morning this week Bailey woke up with a dry diaper and had been dry for 14 hours! After freaking out and calling the nurse line to hear that if she didn't go in a couple hours I needed to take her to the ER, she finally peed. As a result, I figured this meant we could start trying with the potty. So we went to Target yesterday and bought a potty and some special potty treats (organic vanilla flavored smiley faces, lol, she thinks they're treats) and we've already spent a while on the potty in the past 24 hours. No pee yet but at least she's very receptive to it. We have had a great time looking at pictures on the camera, reading books, and playing her piano.

This week Bailey cut her 10th tooth. She now has two molars and a bunch of other teeth! No walking since the once she walked with Mike and then the once she did it with me a couple weeks ago. She's getting more brave about standing without holding onto things but still no walking. I feel like she may never walk again!

She got two shots this week too and they definitely affected her this time. She was very whiny and didn't sleep well at all. I hated every second of it because I knew she was sore and feeling terrible. It wasn't fun at all. She didn't scream at the sight of the doctor's office but I'm afraid she will next month when we have to go.

In other news, deployment is 8 months down and 4 to go! It's been a rough month but I'm happy that May is here and we're one month closer to seeing Mike again.

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