Every time she would pull up on his car seat (notice that nice Carolina blanket he's borrowing there, maybe he'll be a Tar Heel too) she would do the indian war whoop. She didn't mind us playing with him and giving him more attention because she was busy playing with her toys but she made sure to do all her newest tricks for us to make sure we knew she was cool too. She just learned to be a little war whooper yesterday. It's too cute.
Today was the first time Bailey got to spend an extended amount of time around Pilot. He really interested her. She was so happy to look at it and tried soooo hard to be gentle but she was getting so excited that she would end up hitting him. He's a resilient little monkey.
This is the first time I got to hold Pilot. His birthday was kind of a hectic time since he tried to strangle himself with his cord and like his new best friend (Bailey, of course) he also inhaled some meconium on his way out. It was stressful in there for those kiddos of ours!
Just look at that sweet girl with her hair in a bow that her MAMA did for her! I just might get this doing hair thing after all. Stay tuned, we'll see...
This week we went to the doctor for her follow up from three weeks ago. She still had her double ear infection and her cough had gone into her lungs a little bit and caused Bronchiolitis. So she had to have her very first ever shot. It was an antibiotic shot to try to jump start the healing. She took it pretty well although it made me want to cry too. She also had to get a breathing treatment. Now she's on 3 breathing treatments a day and some more antibiotics. I felt so bad that I didn't know she was still sick but she showed no signs of it! She wasn't fussy or having sleeping trouble or anything.
Tonight we're supposed to be having a winter storm. I'm nervous because I am afraid the power will go out because we're supposed to get a lot of ice. But I'm hoping we'll be fine. Nothing much else is going on. Bailey's learning to sort shapes a little more now and she's cruising the furniture. She'll definitely be walking by the time Daddy is home to see her. If not, very close. Maybe he could see her first step!
Love her pebbles hair and pilot is too cute! Glad Bailey is feeling better!