Saturday, January 9, 2010

Almost 10 months old!

You know my child is happy when her mouth is open and her arms and legs are flailing. Weirdo! Still can't see the top teeth in pictures yet but there are three up there.
She is having a lot of fun this week pulling up on my full-length mirror and has pulled it down onto herself several times. I'll probably have to do something about that very soon. But for now she enjoys looking at herself in it.
And looking at me looking at her =)
Wow, this is kind of a mean looking girl here. Cute though.
This picture is especially for Daddy. I believe Grandma gave us this shirt. She wasn't in the best mood when we took this picture but look at those little baby curls!

Well this week has been full of changes in my little girl. She's almost 10 months old! I just can't even believe it. This she started pointing with her finger out. She did it first at the Hopson's house and I wasn't sure she meant to do it but then that night she did it with the Cheerios box and I knew that's what she meant. So smart! Then last night Heather and I discovered that she imitated us putting the phone up to our ear. She has a little play phone and she put it to her ear and said, "ahhoooo," which I swear sounded (to me) like "hello." She is also really getting the concept of some of her toys that are more difficult. Like the ring stacker. We've been working on that one for a while and she finally knows that the rings are supposed to go on the cylinder and she tries but her depth perception leaves something to be desired, lol.

This week since she was sick she nearly gave me a heart attack with her eating. I've been changing up her food routine a little bit and giving her less purees and more finger foods. Monday night she refused to eat anything except fruit. Of course I didn't give in to this, being the ABA therapist of a Mommy that I am. She had to eat some of her grains before I would let her have the kiwi but ahhh it scared me. She was even flinching when she touched the foods she didn't want and throwing them down. Luckily on Tuesday she was feeling better and we were back to normal. She is now eating her grains by themselves (whereas they used to have pureed vegetables in them) and then she eats her cut up veggies and fruits by herself. She's expressed some interest in holding the spoon herself to eat her grains and she's decent but I'm not pushing it. She felt so much better by Wednesday that she even tried and loved raw tomatoes! Another new thing she ate this week were sweet potato sticks. Yummy! I am a little sad though because she no longer really likes broccoli. I'm going to try to spice it up and see if she'll like it with some flavor.

As far as her speech goes, this week was another big one. She is definitely saying "mama" with me in mind now. And she says "more" when she wants more food. No one that knows my child should be surprised that food was her motivation for speaking.

We talked to Mike this week and he's doing well. Now only 4 more paychecks til he's home for a glorious 15 days!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she's feeling better but I wish I could have seen you two! 10 months?!?! Craziness! Slow down that baby. lol.
